By filling in the requiered fields you will generate a customized Cluj Business account of your company, after validation. The description must be in English and have a minimum of one paragraph. You will be able to view your company logo and profile details displayed in the Profiles page. The addresses filled in the required fields will be pinned on the business map of Cluj-Napoca. You can have maximum 5 pins for your business. Please select the most suitable line of business for your company, in the domain field. You can select only one category. Please note that Business Support is a special subset, including the clusters in Cluj, foreign business clubs and the associations/NGOs that promote doing business in Cluj-Napoca.

Creating this account confirms you agree with our Terms and Conditions.






















The video must be sent as a Vimeo Url link

Video format: MP4 (preferred)

Alternative video format: MOV, AVI uncompressed

Resolution: 1920×1080, 25fps

Audio: 48kHz, 2 channels

Business Sign up

Email address
Phone number
Company name
Full company name


To upload a company video please paste here the Vimeo Url link. Your video will be displayed on your business profile and it will represent your business category in Cluj Business Tv.
