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Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

15:00 07.05 2018
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Cafeneaua de Inovare (Innovation Cafe)

Regional Focus: The Innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem by Cafeneaua de Inovare@ClujHub

The 8th edition of Cafeneaua de Inovare (Innovation Cafe) held in Cluj-Napoca, focuses on the dynamics and drivers of the regional innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem and also introduces InnoVoucher, a pilot project between five countries and regions, aiming to increase the access of SMEs to innovation services across Europe.
This event is dedicated to innovative entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists, researchers and other actors supporting the innovative business environment.

Cafeneaua de Inovare (Innovation Cafe) is an initiative of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) which aims to encourage the development of public-private partnerships and the co-creation of funding instruments in Romania.

Get a free ticket online, find out more about the regional speakers and check the agenda on the event’s website:

Check out the event on Facebook  or on EventBrite