Awesome. I Have It.

Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

17:30 27.03 2018
Grand Hotel Italia Get directions

NRCC Night of SMEs in Cluj – second edition

On 27th of March, at Grand Hotel Italia, Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) organizes in partnership with British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) the 2nd edition of the NRCC Night of SMEs in Cluj.

The event includes an official Welcome Cocktail followed by a Seated Dinner (with Intermission), containing 4 courses of each 30 minutes. During each course, attendants share a different table with a Key-Topic Provider and converse in a small and intimate setting regarding the relevant topic that they are interested in (up to 15 fields of expertise will be available to choose from).

The changing tables concepts leads to attending more different topics and to increase the interaction between attendants, making networking and know-how transfer more efficient and targeted. In the same time, for a key-topic provider, hosting a table is a huge added value and lead generation concept.

More details regarding the agenda & registration fees are available here: