Awesome. I Have It.

Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

9:00 08.04-09.04 2017
Gh. Marinescu Street no. 23 Get directions

Healthcare, Education and Research Talks

Healthcare, Education and Research Talks (HEART) is an interdisciplinary conference organised by Cluj Medical Students’ Association. Our aim is to make students and young healthcare professionals take an active part in their own education, by inspiring them and offering an integrated view on the future of the medical profession. Thus, we envision the healthcare professional as a complex personality, with broad horizons open toward personal and professional development. This is the reason why we invite speakers and participants from fields such as: IT, psychology, biochemistry, physics, education, business, engineering or art.

Find out more about our vision and about this year’s edition, as well as the past three, at