On Friday, April the 7th, starting with 5 PM, Art’sCool opens the gates to their musical home! Join us and meet out Coaches and students, see how we make magic happen and become an Art’sCool student for a day. In the end, we will gather the gang and march towards Golfee (The Central Store, 3rd floor) to a special charitable concert. There we will have a small music recital starting with 9 PM. We invite both adults and children to take part of the Art’sCool experience.
17:00 Meet, Greet & Tea
18:00 Have fun with Art’sCool (for kids of all ages (from 0 to 103 years old): playing with the musical instruments, mock studio recordings, etc.)
19:00 Open workshop (with your participation)
21:00 We take the scene! (@ Golfee)
Find out out more: 0741073354 or office@artscool.ro