Awesome. I Have It.

Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

17:00 20.06 2017
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NRCC & DWNT Networking Drink

If is the 3rd Tuesday of the month, then Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce is organizing again its Networking Drink in Cluj, this time in partnership with DWNT, the German-speaking business association from Northern Transylvania (

NRCC will be represented by the new President, Mr. Gerke Witteveen (CFO, NN Life Insurance) and Mr. Maurits Dohmen (Executive Director).

The event follows the Knowledge Center dedicated to GDPR 2018, the new EU regulation regarding Data Protection, coming into force from 25th May 2018, with a big impact for every business (

Meet new people, make new business connections, share ideas and get inspired. Register now at Free access for NRCC members. Attendance fee 100 lei for external companies.