Awesome. I Have It.

Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

10:00 30.05 2017
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How to develop and ensure your business?

«French Hub», the entrepreneurs’ club within The French Chamber of Trade and Industry in Romania (CCIFER) will organize on May 30 th in Cluj a workshop dedicated for the entrepreneurs and start-ups which will take place on 30 May in Cluj. You will have the opportunity to meet experts from many fields: finance, insurance, legal, trading and taxes who can provide the tools required in order for you to succeed in your projects.


  • The role of insurances in growing business – Groupama Insurance
  • How to protect your business ideas at a national, European and international level? Gruia Dufaut
  • Attorney in law office
  • Which are the most important tax updates for the businessmen ? – Mazars Romania

Moderator: Bogdan JOCA- Hub Care

Special guest: a representative of Ministry for Business Environment Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Start-Up Nation Program.

Click HERE to register