International Conference LIFE sci&tech4 WELLBEING
The International Conference of LIFE Sciences and Technology for WELLBEING (LIFE2018) is organized in partnership with Romanian Academy, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Transylvania LifeStyle Cluster and Transylvanian Tastes Cluster by APM Cluj, Transilvania Business Center Cluj, Council of Danube Cities and Regions, and with the support of Cosmetic Clusters International Network (CCIN), C4W Consortium, Francofone University Association (AUF-BECO), CLUJSTER – Transylvanian Clusters’ Consortium and North-West Region Developement Agency.
The two research institutes of our university, Advanced Horticultural Research Institute of Transyvania (ICHAT) and Life Sciences Institute (ISV) will be involved not only in organizing scientific sessions and collaborations, but also in creating multidisciplinary interactions with business representatives, who will have the opportunity to present their products/services and interact with our researchers and PhD. students.
The complex and interdisciplinary program includes 2 plenary sessions, 4 sections and 16 parallel creative activities, such as: presentation of research papers, creative workshops, expo-demo, B2B-Matchmaking, in collaboration with companies from the Transylvanian Clusters:
- SECTION 1: Horticulture, Landscaping, Spatial Planning: research, cultivation and exploitation of flowers, vegetables, fruits…
- SECTION 2: Healthy Nutrition / Food: research, production of food and ingredients;
- SECTION 3: Healthy Beauty / Cosmetics – COSMETOPEE;
- SECTION 4: Multisensory Creative Economy, Research & Technology, Products & Services;
- FRANCOPHONE COLLOQUY for Healthy LifeStyle of Youth (FR): Comportements alimentaires et education pour la santé des jeunes;
- TRAINING session: GO International – GO Multisensory SMEs and RD-I Units;
- BUSINESS LINKS, B2Bmatchmaking for companies and RD-I Units from the country and abroad;
- EXPO and Workshops of Multisensory Creative Economy: products and services offered by companies and RD-I units from textile-fashion, wood-furniture, ceramic-glass, handicraft, ICT-robots, green economy, environment (water and air quality, etc.);
- FLORIcultural Festival and Workshops: 3 flowers’ worshops with demo;
- EXPO of gastronomic culture and culinary art “International Transylvanian Tastes”: European, Asian, American cuisines and master chefs presentation;
- FOOD FESTIVAL: the presentation of the license and dissertation papers of the students from the Faculty of Food Science and Technology;
- Multisensory Workshop: CULINAROMAtherapy: presentations, testing-demo with specialists;
- Multisensory Workshop: Healthy Cosmetics & Beauty: presentations, testing-demo with specialists:
- COMPETITION: Young Creators & Innovators, selection and award of the young researchers/innovators’ scientific papers, who participated to all the sections and workshops.
We invite you to visit the AGENDA and to REGISTER: http//