Awesome. I Have It.

Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

18:00 20.05-25.05 2017
str. Fantanele nr. 30 Get directions


The National Institute for Earth Physics, Magurele (INCDFP, in collaboration with Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering ( will open the exhibition titled “MOBILE EXHIBITION ON EARTHQUAKES – MOBEE”.

Mobile Earthquake Exhibition (MOBEE), developed within a research partnership that brought together the unique expertise of geoscientists (from The National Institute for Earth Physics), visual designers (from The National University of Arts), and digital content developers (SIVECO) aim to mobilize wide public as well as media and decision makers to increase earthquake preparedness by delivering and wisely spreading earthquake information and scientific explanations related to this natural hazard.

The exposition makes use of new digital technologies (mobile apps, mapping tools or touch screen devices) but also explores the interplay between science and art, or more precisely how visual art can help better explain and transmit science concepts and generate new research and visual communication tools about seismic safety.

Come, regardless of your age:

  • To find out where earthquakes can take place in Romania and why Vrancea area is so dangerous;
  • To try interactive applications;
  • To see large scale 3D prints;
  • To find out how prepared you are in case of an earthquake.