Swimathon Cluj 2018 is expected to make some good waves this month, with the aim to involve the local community and collect donations for 10 selected charity projects.
For the first time Swimathon is being scheduled for the cold season, the 24th November, as the core of the 10 years’ anniversary of Fundația Comunitară Cluj (Cluj Community Foundation), the one which has introduced this fund-raising concept in Romania for the first time.
Companies and citizens are invited to register through Swimathon 2018 platform, choose a cause, donate and support the favorite team that will swim the 24th of November starting from 9.00 AM at Universitas Swimming Complex of Babes-Bolyai University* located in the Iuliu Hațieganu Sports Park. All level swimmers are also waited to come and set a community record, Inotatori100, a challenge to other Romanian and European cities.
The ten selected projects are: Jucu – 4 familii ajung acasă (Jucu – 4 families are getting home), Tabăra Yuppi pentru adolescenți cu diabet (Yuppi Camp for Teenagers with Diabetes), Banca de alimente Food Waste Combat Cluj (The Food Bank Food Waste Combat Cluj), Centrul de Zi Something New, Fondul Științescu Cluj (Știintescu Fund Cluj), Cutting-Edge Research in Romania (CER2), Bucătăria socială „O masă caldă” (“A hot meal” social kitchen), Înotăm pentru Swimathon (We swim for Swimathon), Feel your city, and last but not least Making waves, changing destinies.
The Cluj Community Foundation was registered in January 2008 with the mission to improve the quality of life of people in the Cluj area through mobilizing and distributing local resources in support of local development initiatives.