Partener StartUP


We are your solution!

You have the idea, we back you up! What are you waiting for? Tell us which are you perspectives and we’ll offer you the solution. An accredited course will teach you the basics but at the same time, you’ll be focusing on your own business plan too. You’ll benefit of 40 000 euros in support services, stages of practice and best quality consultancy.

Furthermore, you have the opportunity to win the best business ideas contest. Work for your idea and valuable awards will come.  Our best team of entrepreneurs will be by your side and they will give you all the support you need.

What’s our purpose?

Our 10 years’ experience taught us that the main purpose of our team is developing entrepreneurial skills, standing up and encouraging business ideas from the North-West region. We promote the entrepreneurial culture and we form tomorrows’ best business individuals. Our company knows how hard the way to success is, and also how difficult is the road to fulfilled dreams, and this is why our team is ready to give you professional support.

Are the results speaking for us?

Improving the entrepreneurial skills of the 440 individuals (unemployed people, inactive people, people who have a job and set up a business), 49 selected business ideas, 1960 hours of practical internships by the 49 representatives of the target group whose business plans were selected within an existing and functional enterprise, 49 newly established enterprises and at least 98 jobs created are only some facts that we’re truly proud of.

How do we help?

We integrate you into a core of business professionals, through learning and mentoring, financial support and start-up promotion. Together, we will create a sustainable partnership. In order to plan your business as well as possible, we transfer practical know-how about what information to look for and how to distinguish what’s important from what is not. The course will be a practical tool, not a lesson. Each module – including business models, marketing, strategy, legislation and fees or financial planning – will provide you with the necessary knowledge for planning your business.

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