Awesome. I Have It.

Cluj Napoca: Heart of Transylvania-full version from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

Romanian Market Explorer App

The Romanian market explorer app is a the result of the partnership Business Anatomy Romania – Xilion Netherlands and aims to provide the (big) data-infrastructure for online big-data applications containing national market information for cross border trading purposes. The Romanian market explorer applications are all designed to reduce complex (big) data to elementary concepts and useful applications with the help of Biological Modelling And Processing ( BMAP ) technology.

The Romanian market research application reveals in a click all the information available on the sectors economic partners in Romania, partners, combinations of customized customer profiles for easier preparation of sales and marketing plans, identification of economic dependencies, local economic conditions and the dependence of a certain economy / municipality on a certain economic sector:

  1. B2B Business to Business application (B2B market ) – Identification of partners available in the target market with all available indicators: CAEN codes, 684 available economic sectors, exact localization, turnover, number of employees in order to outline the right export profile or prepare the business plan.
  2. B2C Business to Consumer (B2C retail market ) – Identification of 64 billion combinations of customized customer profiles to make it easier to prepare sales and marketing plans with consumer preferences, salary levels, social classes, age).
  3. E2B Economics to Business – Identifying economic dependencies, local economic conditions and the dependence of a particular economy / industry, tourism, IT.
  4. A2B Alert to Business identifies the economic, technical, climatic, natural conditions.
  5. V2B Valuation to Business identifies geographic, population . The V2B market app reports all aspects of any municipal, where in Romania of your interest.
  6. Re2B Real Estate to Business identifies real estate offers belonging to real estate agencies or individuals . The RE2B market app selects municipals along landscape preferences (e.g. rural, near by the sea, not far away from liveliness) and climate conditions (e.g. more than 2.000 hours sunshine per year).

The Romanian market explorer app has proved already its capability to offer competitive advantage and save sales and advertising costs in the process of entering the new market:

  • Accelerate your business development to a few days.
  • Reduce your market research expenses by a factor 100.

With the Romanian market explorer app you can track the financial supply chain of potential clients, -partners or -local representatives, just before “take the plunge together” into the Romanian market.

If browser keywords or branch industry information are too general and market research providers are pricey, we offer you affordable market research based on Big Data.

Full article: The Romanian Market Explorer Application

Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information on the app and how to download it at:

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