Setting Up a Business

The procedure for setting up a business in Romania can be completed in 8 days, and was significantly simplified.

For example, the Romanian Business Exchange developed a digital matchmaking platform, where decision makers/international companies/investors can find partners in Romania and opportunities for development:

At the same time, InvestRomania has the pleasure to introduce you the “The Foreign Investor’s Guide”, a comprehensive, insightful investment tool, covering a wide spectrum of investment related areas like “Investment Climate”, “Economy”, “Business Ecosystem”, “Financing Availability”, “Employment and Labor Law”, “Fiscal Policy”, offering the potential foreign investor highly relevant information on business opportunities, macroeconomic indicators, education, regional data, steps in opening a business, state aid schemes, labor law, expats communities etc.

Click HERE to download “The Foreign Investor’s Guide”.

For more information regarding setting up a business in Romania, please contact: or

If you need more reasons to invest in Cluj-Napoca, click HERE