EU – Asia Gateway 2018 – Conference and Matchmaking event
The matchmaking C2C, B2B, C2B is organised in the frame of EU – Asia Gateway 2018 – The 4th Transylvanian International Clusters Conference.
This matchmaking event is organised under the umbrella of Enterprise Europe Network through ARIES Transilvania.
The event aims to bring together partners from EU and Asia, such as clusters, but also companies from the following fields: ITC, bio-economy, agriculture, furniture, production, creative industries, tourism. We want to provide the appropriate framework for the creations of strategic partnerships between representative structures and regions representing the two continents.
The conference presentations will make reference to the Open Innovation 2.0 concepts, where, along with actors from the knowledge triangle (companies, Universities and public administration) we are involving citizens as well. European and Asian entities (South Korea, China, Japan, e.g) are invited to activity involved in this conference.
Cluj is recognized internationally as a best practice model for collaboration, thus being acknowledged with the Luminary Award in 2017 for Creating a strong innovation landscape, at the Luminary Awards Gala of the the European Commission’s Open Innovation 2.0 Conference:
Why participate?