Business Support

Cluj-Napoca has a few economic advantages that make it stand out in Central Europe and in Romania, defining the city’s identity that is encouraged and supported by the municipality. The city has a strong capacity in high-technology business fields and has known a powerful development of the IT industry. Moreover, we have a number of business parks that are currently developing, a very competitive service industry, including tourism, a finance and banking sector that ranks second after the one in Bucharest, a high number of active SMEs and a huge volume of investments.

The universities and research institutes, especially in the medical field, are the key of the city’s development. The municipality has signed a collaboration protocol with the biggest universities in Cluj-Napoca, aimed at enhancing the relevance of the academic curriculum in relation to the needs of the labor market, valuing the cooperation between the academic and the business environment.

There are seven very active clusters in Cluj-Napoca, as follows: Mobilier Transilvan, AgroTransilvania, Transilvania Taste, Transylvania Lifestyle, iTech Transilvania by Aries Transilvania and TREC Cluster are reunited in the Consortium of Clusters from the North-West Region of Romania, and Cluj IT Cluster.

In Transylvania and especially here in Cluj-Napoca, known as the “heart of Transylvania”, companies can find a highly qualified workforce together with a dynamic and dedicated business community and open and responsible local authorities.

The aim is to create a cooperation platform between authorities, the cultural and the business environments, to encourage the openness of the public sector to cooperate with the private sector.