Cluj-Napoca StartupCity


SCEP StartupCities is a new pan-European network of Tier-2 cities. SCEP StartupCities is a worldwide pioneer initiative based on the StartupCity concept. The focus is on one specialization per city and interconnecting these cities with their specific specialization into hubs. SCEP believes that we can spark startups and innovation with this concept, together we are strong!


Startups are the new creators of wealth and innovation and many times this equals power and influence. Unfortunately the startups phenomenon is not very well distributed from a geographical and social point of view. We call it the 75-4 problem: around three quarters of all capital deals are concentrated in cities that represent only 4% of the global population. If this trend continues the consequences of this unprecedented concentration of wealth and power in a few hands will be unimaginable and certainly not desirable!

Cluj-Napoca StartupCity

MedTech StartupCity Cluj-Napoca will manage, through Cluj-Napoca City Hall, a pioneering action at the European and global level, called “Health iArea” within the new European innovation Area #EiA led by Commissioner Gabriel for the EU economic recovery after the pandemic. The #EiA is impulsed by the Global StartupCities initiative to support entrepreneurs and innovators no matter where they are: city, village or in remote locations.

The goal of the “Health iArea” is to be a point of attraction for new economic opportunities for the city related to startups & SMEs with breakthrough health products/services for hospitals and citizens. The Area will give Cluj-Napoca a new global dimension and it will reinforce the European visibility in the following years as well, as happened with the iCapital prize, where Cluj did an historic achievement as the first finalist from an Eastern city, and not a country capital in Europe.

The “Health iArea”  is coordinated by the Global StartupCities initiative, with its founder Arturo Villar, and was created as a pragmatic innovation space with hospitals and a pool of health infrastructures between cities to accelerate innovative solutions with patient centre stage through local hospitals.

